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Karate Kun - Morals of the dojo

HITOTSU - JINKAKU NO KANSEI NI TSUTOMERU KOTO – One: To strive for the perfection of character

Karate at Seishin Ryu is more than just a way to work out, or to learn how to punch, block or kick. For the karate student, the process begins with practicing and repeating techniques in order to build on your skill set. Karate training teaches you to embody the spirit of perseverance by overcoming challenges; not only the challenges karate training brings, but also the challenges that life can bring.


HITOTSU - MAKOTO NO MICHI O MAMORU KOTO – One: To defend and follow the paths of truth

To defend and follow the paths of truth means that you must represent, teach, and share our path of improvement and integrity with others and to not follow it alone. The spirit of karate is about helping each other to improve together, not working for your own interests without considering the welfare of others.


HITOTSU - DORYOKU NO SEISHIN O YASHINAU KOTO – One: To foster the spirit of effort

Fostering the spirit of effort at Seishin Ryu is all about your dedication and commitment to achieving great things whilst training at the dojo. We expect you to try your hardest, no matter the circumstances. In no case is achievement of the art possible without your absolute effort.


HITOTSU - REIGI O OMONZURU KOTO – One: To honour the principles of etiquette

Respect for others is an important part of Seishin Ryu. Our training begins and ends with etiquette. Make sure you follow the rules and etiquette of the dojo, which includes making sure you bow correctly and show respect in everything you do and everywhere you go.


HITOTSU - KEKKI NO YU O IMASHIMERU KOTO – One: To guard against impetuous courage

At Seishin Ryu we train you in the martial arts – which is also training you to be a lethal weapon. Having been trained in karate means that by possessing these tools, you can seriously injure an untrained person. In this, guarding against impetuous courage means that no matter what happens in your training, you must always remain in control of your emotions and will never use karate maliciously to prove a point, show off, or injure.

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               SEISHIN RYU KARATE

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